Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The last meeting

The last meeting was really productive,

Basically we discuss how the MAPP will work, how to use the online form, the creation of a community curator training program, and the possibility of a collaboration with Nuestra Voz project ( in exchange of free training in how to use the Web 2.0 for to improve the life of Mission Community.

Also, there are a lot of new talented people, willing to collaborate with the MAPP project. We do a tentative distribution of this new artists in the space available:

Blue house / Annete & guitar + Tonny art (3 o 4) + Karen Fox (Danza teatro 7pm)

GalerĂ­a de la Raza / ATA videos (?) + ____________

La Casa de los Sentidos / Karen Fox (Danza teatro 8pm)

Goforaloop / 8x8 Valentina (need to confirm)?

Secret Garden (full, but we can ask) /

Phils Cafe (need to confirm) / Tania musical troupe

La Boheme (24 & Mission) / La Bohemia (carlos discier, curador) + 8x8 Valentina (need to confirm)?

Lobby of Mission Cultural Center (need to confirm) / Yta mural + Karen fox (9pm)

David Kubrin's Art House/ Lucia Hye Yoon Joo + Jorge musical project

I will share the artists and venues database with all the people registered in the online form this night, I promise!!!

Also, remember that we have a new blog!!! With online submission form, with
venues location map, with everything!

If you are artist, curator o venue and you want to participate in the next MAPP <b>April 4, 2009 </b>, please do the online submission in the new

The next PLANNING meeting will be the Monday March 9 7:0pm @Red Poppy Art House.

Everybody is invited, even those that just want to be volunteer and learn.

See you there!!!!

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